News & Updates
Current efforts and updates on 3FIA’s interpretive efforts in the Stanislaus, Sierra, and Sequoia National Forests.

Celebrating Wild & Scenic Rivers
The 3 Forests region is home to four of the nation's National Wild and Scenic Rivers. The Tuolumne, Merced, Kings, and Kern rivers all have been recognized and are protected by this federal designation. To help celebrate the Wild & Scenic River System's 50th...

Herb London and the Mono Pass Trail
Imagine driving slowly up Rock Creek Canyon, mesmerized by the gorgeous eastern Sierra scenery, en route to the beginning of a pack trip vacation. Your vehicle trip culminates at a cluster of rustic buildings with corrals off to one side, one filled with mules and the...

Telling Smokey’s Story
Authored by Harry Punky McClellan, this all-color pictorial and history book documents Forest Fire Prevention Outdoor Advertising. The objective of this publication was to create a documented history that is as accurate as existing records can provide of Forest Fire...

Understanding the Rim Fire
The 2013 rim fire was the third-largest wildfire in California history, burning over 400 square miles of the Stanislaus National Forest. The fire had an enormous effect on plants, wildlife, and all of the people who live and work in its proximity. Visitors and...

On Fire! Drama of Wildland Fire Fighters
The last decade has brought new emphasis to the subject of forest wildfires. Today wildfire issues dominate the efforts and focus of the Forest Service as well as everyone who lives in the vicinity of the forests. But even before the first humans came to North...

My Forest Youth Summit
Connecting kids with the natural world is an important part of our mission at 3FIA. In his book Last Child in the Woods – Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, author Richard Louv wrote “…at the very moment that the bond is breaking between the young and...

West Side Trail Project
Community Collaboration Brings New Life to Favorite Trail Along the canyon wall above the North Fork of the Tuolumne River, a unique, highly-accessible public trail winds for five miles through the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Offering stunning vistas of the river below,...

Message Us
Questions about 3FIA and our work? Message us below.
Three-Forests Interpretive Association
30330 Watts Valley Road
Tollhouse, CA 93667