Connecting People with their National Forests
Interpretive Resources for California’s Stanislaus, Sierra, and Sequoia National Forests
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Three Forests Interpretive Association [3FIA] is a non-profit educational organization that helps to inform and educate visitors to California’s Stanislaus, Sierra, and Sequoia National Forests. Our goal is to aid in promoting an appreciation and understanding of these forests, and to assist the US Forest Service in its mission to conserve these public lands. We publish and distribute books, brochures, maps and other materials relating to the human and natural history of the Sierra Nevada. Profits from these activities are used to help the Forest Service fund a wide range of interpretive and educational programs, contributing to the public’s appropriate use and enjoyment of these precious resources. 3FIA believes that an informed public can aid in the conservation mission of the Forest Service.
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We’re Celebrating Our 50th Year!
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Stay connected to your forests. Our blog includes information on forest stewardship, interesting places to visit, and new interpretive projects for visitors to the Stanislaus, Sierra, and Sequoia National Forests. VISIT OUR BLOG >>>
Every Kid in the Park
Connecting Youth with Nature Over one thousand fourth graders visited and learned more about the Stanislaus National Forest thanks to a grant sponsored outreach and engagement program presented by 3FIA, the Tuolumne River Trust and the Stanislaus National Forest. For...
Leave No Trace – Becoming a Forest Steward
Many visitors to Wilderness areas are profoundly touched by these wild places. Experiencing the Wilderness first-hand often leads to a desire to contribute to its preservation. Inspired visitors want to ensure that future generations are able to enjoy these sacred...
Art Cowley and the Trail of 100 Giants
Paying Tribute to Giants Volunteers assembled August 24th at the Trail of 100 Giants in the Giant Sequoia National Monument to install a set of four new information boards at the Trailhead. The workday was organized by the Giant Sequoia National Monument Association...
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Questions about 3FIA and our work? Message us below.
Three-Forests Interpretive Association
30330 Watts Valley Road
Tollhouse, CA 93667