Just like you, the Forest Service has had to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Forest Service is following USDA and CDC public health guidance as they continue to offer services to the public. Visitors to our National Forests are urged to take the precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).There are three official, government-wide sources of up-to-date information about the coronavirus: Coronavirus.gov, CDC.gov/coronavirus, and USA.gov/coronavirus.
In coordination with state and local health and safety guidelines, certain areas and facilities in the National Forests have been closed. Some are beginning to reopen. Please check with your local forest for specific status updates. 3FIA’s Stanislaus, Sierra, and Sequoia National Forest pages each has updated information and links to relevant USFS web pages.
Recreation services at forest facilities may be changed, suspended or offered through alternate approaches as we manage for the health and safety of the USFS work force and the public. Local forest managers are performing risk assessments of facilities and are limiting congregations of people and person to person interactions. Our decisions will align with local city, county and state actions to provide for human health and safety (i.e. quarantine, curfew, and other social restrictions).
For more details on the USFS response to the virus, visit Forest Service Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates page. Be safe out there!